Utility Functions



Transform 4-momenta from polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates for massless particles.


Get particle features in relative polar coordinates from 4-momenta in polar coordinates.


Transform 4-momenta from polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.


Transform 4-momenta from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates for massless particles.


Transform 4-momenta from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates.


Get particle features in relative polar coordinates from 4-momenta in Cartesian coordinates.

efps(jets[, use_particle_masses, ...])

Utility for calculating EFPs for jets in JetNet format using the energyflow library.

gen_jet_corrections(jets[, ...])

Zero's masked particles and negative pTs.


Calculates jet features by summing over particle Lorentz 4-vectors.

relEtaPhiPt_to_EtaPhiPt(p_polarrel, jet_features)

Get particle features in absolute polar coordinates from relative polar coordinates and jet features.

relEtaPhiPt_to_cartesian(p_polarrel, ...[, ...])

Get particle features in absolute Cartesian coordinates from relative polar coordinates

to_image(jets, im_size[, mask, maxR])

Convert jet(s) into 2D im_size x im_size or 3D num_jets x im_size x im_size image arrays.

jetnet.utils.EtaPhiPtE_to_cartesian(p4: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor) np.ndarray | torch.Tensor

Transform 4-momenta from polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates for massless particles.


p4 (np.ndarray or torch.Tensor) – array of 4-momenta in polar coordinates, of shape [..., 4]. The last axis should be in order \((\eta, \phi, p_\mathrm{T}, E/c)\), where \(\eta\) is the pseudorapidity.


array of 4-momenta in polar coordinates, arranged in order \((E/c, p_x, p_y, p_z)\).

Return type

np.ndarray or torch.Tensor

jetnet.utils.EtaPhiPtE_to_relEtaPhiPt(p4: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor) np.ndarray | torch.Tensor

Get particle features in relative polar coordinates from 4-momenta in polar coordinates.


p4 (np.ndarray or torch.Tensor) – array of 4-momenta in polar coordinates, of shape [..., 4]. The last axis should be in order \((\eta, \phi, p_\mathrm{T}, E/c)\), where \(\eta\) is the pseudorapidity.


array of features in relative polar coordinates, arranged in order \((\eta^\mathrm{rel}, \phi^\mathrm{rel}, p_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{rel})\).

Return type

np.ndarray or torch.Tensor

jetnet.utils.YPhiPtE_to_cartesian(p4: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor) np.ndarray | torch.Tensor

Transform 4-momenta from polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.


p4 (np.ndarray or torch.Tensor) – array of 4-momenta in Cartesian coordinates, of shape [..., 4]. The last axis should be in order \((y, \phi, E/c, p_\mathrm{T})\), where \(y\) is the rapidity.


array of 4-momenta in polar coordinates, arranged in order \((E/c, p_x, p_y, p_z)\).

Return type

np.ndarray or torch.Tensor

jetnet.utils.cartesian_to_EtaPhiPtE(p4: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor) np.ndarray | torch.Tensor

Transform 4-momenta from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates for massless particles.


p4 (np.ndarray or torch.Tensor) – array of 4-momenta in Cartesian coordinates, of shape [..., 4]. The last axis should be in order \((E/c, p_x, p_y, p_z)\).


array of 4-momenta in polar coordinates, arranged in order \((\eta, \phi, p_\mathrm{T}, E/c)\), where \(\eta\) is the pseudorapidity.

Return type

np.ndarray or torch.Tensor

jetnet.utils.cartesian_to_YPhiPtE(p4: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor) np.ndarray | torch.Tensor

Transform 4-momenta from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates.


p4 (np.ndarray or torch.Tensor) – array of 4-momenta in Cartesian coordinates, of shape [..., 4]. The last axis should be in order \((E/c, p_x, p_y, p_z)\).


array of 4-momenta in polar coordinates, arranged in order \((y, \phi, E/c, p_\mathrm{T})\), where \(y\) is the rapidity.

Return type

np.ndarray or torch.Tensor

jetnet.utils.cartesian_to_relEtaPhiPt(p4: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor) np.ndarray | torch.Tensor

Get particle features in relative polar coordinates from 4-momenta in Cartesian coordinates.


p4 (np.ndarray or torch.Tensor) – array of 4-momenta in Cartesian coordinates, of shape [..., 4]. The last axis should be in order \((E/c, p_x, p_y, p_z)\).


array of features in relative polar coordinates, arranged in order \((\eta^\mathrm{rel}, \phi^\mathrm{rel}, p_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{rel})\).

Return type

np.ndarray or torch.Tensor

jetnet.utils.efps(jets: ndarray, use_particle_masses: bool = False, efpset_args: list | None = None, efp_jobs: int | None = None) ndarray

Utility for calculating EFPs for jets in JetNet format using the energyflow library.

  • jets (np.ndarray) – array of either a single or multiple jets, of shape either [num_particles, num_features] or [num_jets, num_particles, num_features], with features in order [eta, phi, pt, (optional) mass]. If no particle masses given, they are assumed to be 0.

  • efpset_args (List) – Args for the energyflow.efpset function to specify which EFPs to use, as defined here https://energyflow.network/docs/efp/#efpset. Defaults to the n=4, d=5, prime EFPs.

  • efp_jobs (int) – number of jobs to use for energyflow’s EFP batch computation. None means as many processes as there are CPUs.


1D (if inputted single jet) or 2D array of shape [num_jets, num_efps] of EFPs per jet

Return type


jetnet.utils.gen_jet_corrections(jets: ArrayLike, ret_mask_separate: bool = True, zero_mask_particles: bool = True, zero_neg_pt: bool = True, pt_index: int = 2) ArrayLike | tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike]

Zero’s masked particles and negative pTs.

  • jets (ArrayLike) – jets to recorrect.

  • ret_mask_separate (bool, optional) – return the jet and mask separately. Defaults to True.

  • zero_mask_particles (bool, optional) – set features of zero-masked particles to 0. Defaults to True.

  • zero_neg_pt (bool, optional) – set pT to 0 for particles with negative pt. Defaults to True.

  • pt_index (int, optional) – index of the pT feature. Defaults to 2.


Jets of same type as input, of shape [num_jets, num_particles, num_features (including mask)] if ret_mask_separate is False, else a tuple with a tensor/array of shape [num_jets, num_particles, num_features (excluding mask)] and another binary mask tensor/array of shape [num_jets, num_particles, 1].

jetnet.utils.jet_features(jets: ndarray) dict[str, float | numpy.ndarray]

Calculates jet features by summing over particle Lorentz 4-vectors.


jets (np.ndarray) – array of either a single or multiple jets, of shape either [num_particles, num_features] or [num_jets, num_particles, num_features], with features in order [eta, phi, pt, (optional) mass]. If no particle masses given, they are assumed to be 0.


dict of float (if inputted single jet) or 1D arrays of length num_jets (if inputted multiple jets) with ‘mass’, ‘pt’, and ‘eta’ keys.

Return type

Dict[str, Union[float, np.ndarray]]

jetnet.utils.relEtaPhiPt_to_EtaPhiPt(p_polarrel: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor, jet_features: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor, jet_coord: str = 'cartesian') np.ndarray | torch.Tensor

Get particle features in absolute polar coordinates from relative polar coordinates and jet features.

  • p_polarrel (np.ndarray or torch.Tensor) – array of particle features in relative polar coordinates of shape [..., 3]. The last axis should be in order \((\eta^\mathrm{rel}, \phi^\mathrm{rel}, p_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{rel})\), where \(\eta\) is the pseudorapidity.

  • jet_features (np.ndarray or torch.Tensor) – array of jet features in polar coordinates, of shape [..., 4]. The coordinates are specified by jet_coord.

  • jet_coord (str) – coordinate system of jet features. Can be either “cartesian” or “polar”. Defaults to “cartesian”. If “cartesian”, the last axis of jet_features should be in order \((E/c, p_x, p_y, p_z)\). If “polar”, the last axis of jet_features should be in order \((\eta, \phi, p_\mathrm{T}, E/c)\).


array of particle features in absolute polar coordinates, arranged in order \((\eta, \phi, p_\mathrm{T}, E/c)\).

Return type

np.ndarray or torch.Tensor

jetnet.utils.relEtaPhiPt_to_cartesian(p_polarrel: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor, jet_features: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor, jet_coord: str = 'cartesian') np.ndarray | torch.Tensor
Get particle features in absolute Cartesian coordinates from relative polar coordinates

and jet features.

  • p_polarrel (np.ndarray or torch.Tensor) – array of particle features in relative polar coordinates of shape [..., 3]. The last axis should be in order \((\eta^\mathrm{rel}, \phi^\mathrm{rel}, p_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{rel})\), where \(\eta\) is the pseudorapidity.

  • jet_features (np.ndarray or torch.Tensor) – array of jet features in polar coordinates, of shape [..., 4]. The coordinates are specified by jet_coord.

  • jet_coord (str) – coordinate system of jet features. Can be either “cartesian” or “polar”. Defaults to “cartesian”. If “cartesian”, the last axis of jet_features should be in order \((E/c, p_x, p_y, p_z)\). If “polar”, the last axis of jet_features should be in order \((\eta, \phi, p_\mathrm{T}, E/c)\).


array of particle features in absolute polar coordinates, arranged in order \((E/c, p_x, p_y, p_z)\).

Return type

np.ndarray or torch.Tensor

jetnet.utils.to_image(jets: ndarray, im_size: int, mask: ndarray = None, maxR: float = 1.0) ndarray

Convert jet(s) into 2D im_size x im_size or 3D num_jets x im_size x im_size image arrays.

  • jets (np.ndarray) – array of jet(s) of shape [num_particles, num_features] or [num_jets, num_particles, num_features] with features in order [eta, phi, pt].

  • im_size (int) – number of pixels per row and column.

  • mask (np.ndarray) – optional binary array of masks of shape [num_particles] or [num_jets, num_particles].

  • maxR (float) – max radius of the jet. Defaults to 1.0.


2D or 3D array of shape [im_size, im_size] or [num_jets, im_size, im_size].

Return type
